South Korea coup attempt
Announcement of publishing ZENKYO NEWSLETTER No.40
All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union (ZENKYO) has published “ZENKYO News Letter No.40”. It is written about ZENKYO’s activities and efforts in 2023.
< Contents >
– ZENKYO publish 7 proposals “Teachers will not be able to run school properly anymore!”
– ZENKYO point out Teacher shortage becomes a nationwide problem
– ZENKYO start “the Grassroot Movement for Better Education” Calling for having open meeting space to make education we really want!
– Stronger friendship and solidarity with American and World’s teachers’ union members in UCORE 2023 CONFERENCE
– ZENKYO’s Allegations to CEART against the Japanese Government to eliminate teachers’ intensive long working hours
*CEART (the Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel)
– For a Swift Settlement of the War, ZENKYO Send Donation for Humanitarian Assistance to War Victim in Ukraine and Palestine
– ZENKYO Send Donations for Children and Education in Quake-hit Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa
– 13 years after, considering what is “the true recovery” Keep the memories of Fukushima from fading
*Additional information on All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union (ZENKYO)’s view regarding MEXT’s information document dated on April 8, 2024